Cutting out sugar has become a hot topic in the health world. When it comes to weight loss and health, cutting out that nasty white sugar seems to be the most obvious answer… but how?
Do you need to kick sugar?
Please read: This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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You are the only person who knows the answer to that question. The fact that you clicked to this page should also be taken into your consideration — intuition and ‘gut’ thinking is important — you know your body best.
How do you Know if you Should Quit Sugar?
Ask yourself the following questions to guide yourself to find if pursuing a sugar free diet is your best option (it may not be!):
• Do you have PCOS or similar fertility concern?
• Are you having trouble conceiving?
• Do you want (or need) to lose weight?
• Do you lose energy throughout the day or constantly feel tired?
• Are you unable to stop yourself eating things full of sugar?
• Do you feel like you need something sweet after dinner or even lunch?
• Do you feel like you simply eat too much sugar and don’t think you can stop?
What are the Risks of Eating Sugar?
Sugar has scientifically been found to do huge damage within our bodies. Some believe that sugar is a poison and our body does not know what to do with it.
Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine, and lights up more of your brain when you use it
If you feel like your body is not healthy or heading down the track of these risks, then please consider if cutting out sugar is the right call for your body.
Eating sugar can increase your risk of:
• Stroke
• Wrinkles (who wants those!)
• Liver Disease
• Type Two Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Obesity / Being overweight
Why is Kicking Sugar Difficult?
We know that cutting out sugar is the best choice we can make for our health, but why is it so difficult? The answer is fructose.
Our body cannot tell when we have had enough fructose as it does not trigger the “Hey I’m getting full here” signal to the brain like other foods do.
If your brain is not signaling that your stomach is full, then you will eat, and eat, and eat as your appetite does not switch off… this naturally causes obesity. This also explains why many of us can eat a whole box of cookies or a whole bag of sweets without feeling ‘full’.
Sugar and Your Body …
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