If Your Body Suddenly Jerks While You Are Falling Asleep, This Is What it Means
Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. If this has been happening to you we want to tell you not to panic, you are not the only one. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes you wonder what could be wrong. Just continue reading.
The Hypnic Twitch Before Falling Asleep
According to scientists, this is known as the hypnic twitch and it resembles a feeling or falling thus making your bodytwitch. Some scientists believe that it might be the consumption of caffeine before bed or certain medications like Adderal and Ritalin. However, this also goes for people who are very exhausted and who finally go to sleep, but too fast. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot keep up with the sleep phases.
read the whole text at : http://www.healthywaygo.com/2021/04/27/if-your-body-suddenly-jerks-while-you-are-falling-asleep-this-is-what-it-means/