I Quit Sugar for 40 Days | My Foolproof Plan to Give Up Sugar
45 days ago, I was determined to make the most out of the upcoming season of Lent by sacrificing something which would be challenging to me. I sat down, made a list of everything that would be hard for me to give up, and was not surprised by the answer that topped my list: sugar.
I quit sugar for 40 days.
Without a doubt, my number one addiction for as long as I can remember has been sugar. After avoiding this thought for years on end, I finally decided to bite the bullet and quit sugar.
Tomorrow is Easter, which means that today is the last day of Lent. Whew. This is a day that I never thought would come about a month ago. These past 40 days during which I quit sugar have been eye opening, surprising, challenging, and satisfying — just to say the least.
Giving up sugar has been a challenge I avoided for my entire life. Cutting out sugar seemed to be a challenge that I would not be able to conquer, so I avoided it at all costs.
Giving up sugar was quite challenging.
I am so happy that I finally decided to face my addiction head on. By quitting sugar cold turkey 40 days ago, my body went through quite a dramatic sugar detox.
Whether or not everything I experienced was due to giving up sugar, I’ll never know for sure. But I have seen immense changes in my body and mind these past 40 days, and today I’d like to tell you what happened.
What Happened When I Quit Sugar for 40 Days
And so the sugar detox begins…
Prior to my experiment with giving up sugar, I like to think that …
find more out at : http://www.healthierbetterlife.me/2021/05/18/quit-sugar-40-days-foolproof-plan-give-sugar/