How to Get Rid of Cellulite: 10 Natural Remedies That Work

Susan Lee
2 min readJun 16, 2021


Just hearing the word cellulite is enough to send shivers up and down most women’s spines. It’s dreaded, unwanted, and unfortunately there’s no sure fire way to eliminate it. But chances are you’re going to have it at some point in your life, so you might as well embrace it! There may not be a magical cure, but you can minimize its appearance over time with natural remedies. If you’re wondering how to get rid of cellulite, let’s get to it!

Cellulite is the dimpled skin that shows up mainly on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs of healthy women. It’s composed of normal fat cells and occurs when those fat cells push up against our skin, while the tissue that connects our skin to our muscles pulls down. The exact reason why this happens is unknown, and no one is immune to it. Some people believe that skinny people don’t get cellulite, but even someone who is a size 0 could be faced with bumpy, dimply skin.

RELATED: 100% Arabica Coffee Scrub for Cellulite

Along with scrubs and topical ointments, eating right, exercising, and living a healthy lifestyle overall, can contribute to minimizing the appearance of cellulite. From vitamin C to dry brushing and toning up, here are 10 natural ways to get rid of cellulite.

1. Eat Essential Fatty Acids

Eating fat to get rid of fat deposits may seem contradictory, but ingesting foods high in essential fatty acids such as walnuts, flaxseeds and salmon is essential for reducing cellulite. They attract water to cells that have become dehydrated and maintain cell hydration. Ensure you’re getting these healthy fats on the regular.

2. Do Cardio …

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